Pasargadae - the world's cultural heritage in Iran

Pasargadae - the world's cultural heritage in Iran

Organization Science, Education and Culture of the United Nations recognizes Unesco Monuments of Iran's Pasargadae cultural heritage in 2004.
Tomb of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae in Iran's ancient capital
Pasargadae was the capital of the first dynasty of Achaemenid Empire - Empire founded by Cyrus the Great. This empire was created in the 6th century BC.

Pasargadae lies in Polvar River delta, the heart of Pars, homeland of the Persians. Pasargadae relic in width 160ha, including: Tomb of Cyrus II; Tall Takht- E, terraces, palaces and gardens.

Pasargadae was the capital of the great multicultural empire in Western Asia first. This is considered the first empire cultural diversity of different ethnic groups.

Tomb of Cyrus the Great is built of white sandstone.

Most prominent among populations Pasargadae Tomb of Cyrus the Great is (or emperor also has other titles as Cyrus II) - a "King of Kings" in Persian history. King Cyrus the Great was a national hero, he is the emperor founder mighty Persian Empire under the Achaemenid dynasty, in ancient times. The king carried out expansionist empire, conquered much of Southwest Asia and much of Central Asia, from Egypt and the sea Hellespont to the Indus in the East, to the Persian Empire and became a large empire the largest in the ancient world.

This tomb had been destroyed and then restored, and today is still quite intact, in a state of preservation tot.Lang this grave had been destroyed and then restored, and today remains quite intact, in good state of preservation.

Cyrus the Great was the king of a small capital of the Kingdom of Empire Media vassals and with the victory of his illustrious before the mighty Empire Media, Lydia and New Babylon, he became the "King of Kings "the" Emperor of the four corners of the Earth ", also known as the" Sun king ". He was also a wise kings and implement liberal policies, respect for human rights, his dealings with the peoples he conquered so different to the other conquests in ancient times.

Tomb of Cyrus the Great has a height of 11 meters, 12 × 13 meter wireless side architecture is said to be the grave repercussions of origin Lydia.

This tomb has ever been threatened by floods, also because of that has contributed to Iran speeding complete application dossier monuments UNESCO Cultural Heritage. Become the world's cultural heritage, monuments have many opportunities to be preserved and promoted good values ​​hon.Lang this grave had been threatened by floods

Tomb of Cyrus the Great has a height of 11 meters, 12 × 13 meter wireless side architecture is said to be the grave repercussions of origin Lydia. Tomb with a structure such as a summer house with a slightly pointed roof. Materials used for the construction of the mausoleum is white sandstone. In ancient times, Tomb of Cyrus was devastated, but Alexander the Great - which is the dominant revered emperor Cyrus the Great Mausoleum to restore this.

Royal Park in the old capital of Pasargadae Persian

Tomb of Cyrus the Great in the Royal Park in the old capital of Pasargadae Persia. Tomb architecture but not too fussy but very beautiful. In the European conquest, Alexander the Great had twice visited the mausoleum. For the first time, and in 330 BC and the second time after his conquest of India.

According to the famous historian Samuel Willard Cromptom: Cyrus the Great has commanded the masons who built tombs for Lydia when he felt his old age is coming and prepare for his death. If Cyrus the Great was a follower of Zoroastrianism as the opinion of some scholars, is the selection of the final accommodation, safety is extremely important.

Later though Pasargadae ancient capital - one of the four capitals of the Persian empire had collapsed but Tomb of Cyrus the Great is still intact.

Pasargadae monuments featured attests to the architectural style of the Achaemenid dynasty

This tomb has ever been threatened by floods, but also for this reason that has contributed to speeding up the completion of Iran dossiers requesting UNESCO monuments of cultural heritage is. Become the world's cultural heritage, monuments have many opportunities to be preserved and promoted better value.
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